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Nora Iedlicska

aka István Báthori

Good day to all my subjects, my name is István Báthory. You've almost certainly heard of me, at least I hope so. But it's okay if you haven't heard of me yet, because now I'm going to tell you a little bit.

I was born around 1430, and I think I died around 1493, but I think it's just a legend, because I'm talking and living here right now...

Oh, and I almost forgot, I think you know my friends Kinizsi, Szapolyai, Magyar, Mátyás, so, I've been standing with these people on a statue for about 120 years, they're starting to get really annoying.

Kinizsi and I won the Battle of the Bread Field, NATURALLY, of course, I obeyed Mátyás, because why not. After Mátyás died, Kinizsi and I served King Ulászló II. and became the leaders of his army. Of course, apart from these battles, we also won other battles, but it would be too long to tell about them, so that's all about that.

Just so you know, in the depths of my soul, Mátyás was always the first person I served, that's why I'm on a statue with him. Goodbye, my subjects, and have a nice day!

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