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Ágosta Tamás

aka Pál Kinizzi

Hey, folks, I’m also here! You should know me because I am Pál Kinizsi: Matthias Corvinus’ best soldier ever! If you don’t believe me, you should only ask his Majesty himself! He is next to me right now, pridefully sitting on his horse.

During my life I never lost a single fight, don’t you forget this, for such a thing doesn’t happen every day. What date is today? Oh, how time flies! As if I had woken up from a dream… What? Disgraceful! You don’t even know when I was born?! And where?! (Truthfully, I don’t even remember myself…) Maybe it happened at Temeskenéz, in the year of our Lord 1431… But right now, this is not important, for the moment I would like to tell you about my simple life.

Firstly, what really is significant: I am the most famous general in the Hungarian History! And I was the head judge of the Hungarian Kingdom and several counties’ reeve. I am not a simple everyday hero, but one whose leadership skills are excellent, his power is legendary, and his victories made him quite mythical even during his lifetime. Understandibly, the battle against those pagan Ottomans at Kenyérmező was won by myself and my dear friend, István Báthori, voivod of Transylvania.

I learned how to fight against the Turks from my noble father, who was in regent János Hunyadi’s army. I don’t know exactly what he did before he enrolled in the army – some say that he was a miller’s boy, but I don’t believe it! My wife was my stepfather and friend Balázs Magyar’s daughter, Benigna. So, after his sad death, next to my wealth, I also inherited his estates. Unfortunately, Our Lord didn’t allow us to have any sons, and after my death at Szendrő, part of my properties went to István Szapolyai, the guy standing here, right next to me.

And do you see what the price of greatness is!? Here I stand, closed into this metal shape for more than a hundred years! And if this immobility wasn’t enough, near me stands my friend Balázs, who is incessantly asking about Begina, our fair king Mathias, who keeps praising me, while Szapolyai is telling me what he did with my wealth… (Here is another man too, who keeps telling me who he is, but I don’t remember knowing him.) Here it is harder to survive than on the battlefield! Anyone, please help me!!

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